Saturday, August 28, 2010

One Friend -Dan Seals


We do not speak directly, but we speak effectively. We try to develop a pleasant quality of voice. We avoid profanity and obscurity, if only because among cultured people such gross misuse of language is inexcusable. even though we hear plenty of such language, we know that those whose speech is a constant stream of profanity are actually disadvantaged since their vocabulary is so limited, they have no other means of expressing themselves.

We speak with frankness but always with sincerity and sympathy. We love to deal with people who are frank and honest. We shun deception and despise hypocrisy.

whenever were down, we sometimes act as if every nerve in our body were cauterized. We may not react negatively to our environment, we just doesn't react at all. :c

sometimes, little things annoys us. we tend to flare up when others make chance remarks that we think are directed to us.
we hate those who look upon the teetotaler as a killjoy who is socially unacceptable.
we deplore the misfortunes of others and try to do whatever we can to help them cope with or overcome their difficulties.
were trying to make an honest attempt to see the best qualities in others. we want to emphasize the strengths to others, not their weaknesses. even when were keenly aware of the shortcomings of those with whom we work and live, were trying our best to act toward them with patience and understanding.
we accept criticism best from those who can take criticism as well as they can hand it out.
we love pictures, texting(24/7), our academic track record, friendly competitions.
we abhor those who flatter wealth, cringe before power or boast his or her own possessions and achievements.
we hate liars, users, players, backfighters, rude and narrowminded people. people who likes meddling in other people's affairs.